

How BYEP helps transform lives.

BYEP helps to positively transform the lives of vulnerable teens in Gallatin Valley. Hear from parents as well as BYEP participant alumni that are now volunteers mentors how it has changed theirs.

It’s Big Sky Youth Empowerment!

"We get to cook sometimes? Let's go!" BYYYY-EP! It's Big Sky Youth Empowerment... Need a refresher of what BYEP does? Or know what we do, and want to feel inspired all over again? Check out the magic of BYEP and why it matters.


BYEP Crux Graduation 2023

In April 2023, 16 Crux participants graduated from Big Sky Youth Empowerment. On their graduation day, they each shared a piece of their journey. Here is what they had to say.

YT’s Story

YT heard about Big Sky Youth Empowerment in 8th grade. This is her story of how she found connection, support and belonging through BYEP.


What is Big Sky Youth Empowerment?

BYEP means community. It means family, honesty, trust, and vulnerability. Learn more about what BYEP is all about and how the program changes the lives of teens in Gallatin Valley, Montana.

A message from BYEP Participants

If you could share one message with the world, what would it be? We asked our teens. Watch this video of what they had to say. It’s a transformation you helped make happen.


Adventures change lives.

What was your favorite outdoor adventure as a teen? How did it change your life? How did it set you on the path you are on today? Access to the outdoors teach us to push your own limits and grow.

BYEP is Family.

You help create each experience, every adventure, and new skill learned — you make BYEP a family. Teens share their perspective on what BYEP is to them.


Changing Lives: Mentors at BYEP

Mentors change lives. Especially their own. See how being a mentor at BYEP changes you more than you could ever imagine.


BYEP 20 Year Anniversary

Highs and Lows with BYEP

Ever wonder what it's like for a teen in BYEP? They'll be the first to tell you that they are the ones who power our program.


BYEP Crux Graduation 2019

Maxx’s Story