BYEP Update!

Dear BYEP Families,

Can you believe that we only have two more weeks left of programming for our 2020 Fall Season? As we wrap up programming and look to the next season, we wanted to remind you all of how we are handling the current COVID-19 situation. We recognize that the consequences of a positive COVID-19 diagnosis can be very extreme for your family, with that we are asking all of our stakeholders, including participants, their families, our volunteers, and staff to exercise extreme caution when making decisions that may affect BYEP. If there is any suspicion of exposure or your participant is feeling sick at all, regardless of the symptoms, we are asking them to stay home from workshop, adventure, and tutoring. With that in mind, please note that an absence due to COVID-19 will not affect your participant’s attendance record. We are also asking that we continue to have effective and consistent communication in regards to COVID-19. If a participant is staying home from BYEP for a reason related to COVID-19, we ask that you share that information with your participant’s Program Manager and/or our Program Director, Brittany DeKoch, 970-231-4809. Brittany is always available for questions or concerns in regards to maintaining the safety of our programming. We feel confident that we will get through this together, and are looking forward to the next season of safe and fun programming.

This week at BYEP:

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